Hey! Wayne here!

I just finished reading this book called a go giver and it covers five laws of stratospheric success.

Have you ever wondered what it took to be successful? According to Boby Burg, there are 5 keys to achieving stratospheric success. In this animated review, I will cover these 5 steps so that you can be on your way to achieving stratospheric success.

The author argues that people in the world, at a mass, the greatest amount of wealth, are those that are focused on giving and not those that are focused on receiving a pretty presumptuous claim. But he goes forward with proving this through the story of a young, ambitious sales professional by the name of joe, joe, is determined to be successful.

So one of his fellow coworkers introduced him to a businessman by the name of pindar. Pindar then introduces joe to five friends of his who each teach them about the five laws of stratospheric success. Needless to say, each of these businesspeople are at the top of their field and, if you haven’t already, please like and subscribe to the channel for similar content,

law of value
The first law of stratospheric success is the law of value. Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value.

Then you take in payment it’s about trying to give people more than you’re getting from them. Who doesn’t like to feel like they’re getting a good deal you probably thought this whole idea of giving more than receiving a payment to joe sounded like a recipe for disaster, but Pender had one rule, and that is that joe had to implement what he Was taught on that very same day,

Law of Compensation

the second law of stratospheric success is the law of compensation, and this law says your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them. Martin Luther king once said everyone can be great because anyone can serve.

Have you ever noticed that a lot of businesses that started and that really thrived are the ones that have a strong desire to serve a particular group or market and those that do that?

Well, go on to receive stratospheric success. here is one of the interviews that I heard from somewhere.

He said the business idea came out of the desire to meet a need that business professionals were having in the service industry to serve people and meet their needs is one of the easiest ways to become successful. The more people you help and the more value you provide is the more successful you would eventually become.

Law of Influence

The third law of stratospheric success is the law of influence, and it says your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests.

First, if you place other people’s interests first, your interest will always be taken. Care of is like a natural law of the universe, and if you ask people, Pindar asked joe what creates influence.

What would they say, and joe answer him? Money position may be a history of outstanding accomplishments and penda said correct, that’s what they would say, but those things don’t create. Influence creates those things, and you know what creates it.

People who are attractive magnetic and those people who tend to be people that love to give givers are attractive because giving magnetizes you, and so, when you put people’s needs above your own, you will create influence.

Law of Authenticity

The fourth law of stratospheric success is the law of authenticity, and it says the most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself something special happens when you’re able to be yourself, it’s not an easy thing to do necessarily, but when you do it doors that would Have never opened for you before, but open. A lot of us feel that we need to pretend to be someone to be successful, but in order to achieve stratospheric success, you need to be comfortable within your own skin

Law of Receptivity
the fifth law of stratospheric success is the law of receptivity, and it says the key To effective giving is thing open to receiving, we all know the famous saying that it’s better to give than to receive, and while it is true to that,

it’s also important to be open to receiving the reason that some givers aren’t successful is that they are not Open to receiving have you ever helped someone, but when they try to help you at a later time you automatically denied their help, not because you didn’t need it, but because you weren’t comfortable, accepting or receiving their help.

Many of us do that and that’s why a lot of givers aren’t successful because they love to give, but they don’t love to receive, so in order to be successful, we not only have to give, but you even have to be open to allowing others to Give to you, so these are the five keys to stratospheric success.

The law value your true worth is determined by how much more you’ve given value didn’t take in payment, the law of compensation. Your income is returned by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.

Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests. First, the law of authenticity, the most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself, and the fifth law of stratospheric success: is the law of receptivity, the key to effective, giving is being open to receiving.

Thank you for reading. So, what’s your thought of this book? please let me know down the comment section and remember, live your best life.

I strongly encourage you to purchase the book. check out the link below
This book has changed my mind about what it takes to be successful.
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