Hey! Wayne here!

today is the weekend Sat, and it has been a long time since I last worked during the weekend

Today sharing is about building up social media

First, you need to analyze what is lacking in the brand profile
such as Bio / Brand logo / Highlight and of course the posts

here are 3 tips on how you can have a good Profile Bio 

1. Keep it concise and to the point
(Who, what, why, how)

2. Use keywords

Think about the keywords that best describe you and your brand or personality. These words should be included in your bio

3. Show your personality

Use humor, creativity, or a unique perspective to stand out and make an impression.


4. talk about your unique selling proposition

look out for the next post on what the element that makes your customers remember your brand logo!

A good example bio that random brand I came out and the product most common let’s say is an iPhone case –

“Gahooto: Customizable iPhone cases. Create a unique look that fits you. Perfect for iPhone owners.”

keep it short and sweet!

Talk to you soon!

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